Positive Reinforcement Dog Training

Pups Thrive on Positive Energy

Learn to use positive reinforcement dog training in Pine Bush, NY, Ulster Ny, and in the Orange County area

You shouldn't have to constantly tell your dog, "No!" If yelling and punishing aren't changing the bad behavior, it's time to try something new. At Polite Pooches Dog Training in Pine Bush, NY, we believe in positive reinforcement dog training. You will use rewards to encourage good behavior and modify behaviors you don't like.

Examples of rewards include:

Car rides

Your dog will love their rewards

There are so many reasons to use positive reinforcement dog training. Yelling at your dog just doesn't work, but rewards will:

Keep training fun
Keep your dog engaged
Strengthen your bond
Remove negative associations from punishment

For more dog training tips, contact Polite Pooches Dog Training in Pine Bush, NY soon.